How to Recognize Prostate Cancer Symptoms
How to Recognize Prostate Cancer Symptoms from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit Prostate cancer ranks fifth among the causes of death for men over age 45. After lung cancer, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death among all men in the United States; for Australian men, it is the second most common cancer after non-melanoma skin cancers. [1] The risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer by the age of 85 is 1 in 5. [2] Experts do not know how to prevent prostate cancer, nor do they know how a man gets this cancer. While early detection can ensure wider options for treatment and higher rates of remission following treatment, [3] signs and symptoms of prostate cancer generally don't show until the cancer is more advanced, and as such, getting early screening checks can be important. The following article will help you recognize certain symptoms of prostate cancer if they appear, as well as increasing your awareness of the role of testing for prostate...